02. Revisiting the Data Analysis Process

Revisiting the Data Analysis Process

As a reminder, let's briefly review the data analysis process and revisit the way that exploratory and explanatory visualizations fit into different parts of that process. The five steps of the data analysis process are:

  1. Extract - Obtain the data from a spreadsheet, SQL, the web, etc.
  2. Clean - Here we could use exploratory visuals.
  3. Explore - Here we use exploratory visuals.
  4. Analyze - Here we might use either exploratory or explanatory visuals.
  5. Share - Here is where explanatory visuals live.

The previous three lessons in the course have been focused on exploratory analyses. In phases with exploratory visualizations, the primary audience for the visuals will be you, the analyst. The plots that have been created and demonstrated haven't been particularly polished, just descriptive enough for you to gain insights into the data.

This lesson is focused on taking those insights and creating explanatory analyses. Here, your audience will be broader: your goal will be to convey your findings to other people who don't have the level of hands-on experience with the data as you. Visualizations under this banner should be focused on telling a specific story that you want to convey to that particular audience. Many times, these visualizations evolve from visuals created during the exploratory process, just polished up to highlight the specific intended insights. These highlights might change depending on the audience you're presenting to. You'll revisit those design concepts from earlier in the course to make your plots informative not just for yourself, but also compelling and understandable for others.